Monday, September 06, 2010

Oddly Twisted Stuff

We went to the movies yesterday. Saw a couple films from Matthew Barney's Crewmaster Cycle.

Well what can I say? Pretty sure you haven't seen anything like it. Very strange, beautiful, hermetic, disturbing, ridiculous, infuriating, inspiring, thrilling, boring, awe-inspiring, stupid, silly, icky...

Kind of repelling and addictive too. There were times the coffee didn't help and I started to drift off. No dialogue, long shots, weird music, oddly twisted stuff...

I guess you could say we loved it, although not sure. Yeah, I guess let's say we loved it. We talked about it for hours afterwards, and we are still puzzling this morning over what we'd seen and what it all added up to. Now that's some kind of achievement.