Tuesday, September 07, 2010

Iggy and the Stooges Live!

If you have always been a fan of Iggy Pop, and if you've read the biography about him, "Open Up and Bleed," you know that his life has been one of achievement and defeat, of improbable survival and unbelievable self-destruction, of horrific tragedy and ridiculous comedy, of hardcore discipline and over the top debauch, of pure good luck and absolute bad luck, of madness and clarity, of inspired rock and roll and misguided dreck.

Finally it's clear that Iggy has always been more than a force of nature. At 63 he is finally recognized as essential to the rock and roll canon. If you've read the book, you also know that he and James Williamson, the dark star guitarist, crashed and burned long ago.

So it's amazing and gratifying to read that they re-united, and that they played a raucous and deliriously received show in N.J.

Iggy's saga continues and it always amazes...