Monday, February 01, 2010

Saturn Circles - People are on the Move

We get these cryptic messages from a "trans-medium" in the neighborhood. We call him "The Running Man" because he likes to sing and chant on street corners while he "runs in place."

He sometimes does this for hours at a time. He has incredible energy and he is totally musical. He is most certainly channeling some wild-ass frequency which other people just can't access.

For some reason he is totally "lit up" around the Lovely Carla and I. We have some kind of cosmic connection with him.

Maybe it's because we are not afraid of him, don't ignore him, we actually smile and acknowledge him. He says interesting things all the time. We have actually gotten some ideas for songs from things he's said.

The latest line, which we put into song form yesterday - "Saturn Circles. People are on the move."