Wednesday, July 01, 2009

WWSP - Lady in the Sand

You never know what you'll find on the Internet! Yesterday I came across a video posted by the Lovely Sara, our fabulous bass player. She had uploaded a video of "Lady in the Sand" at our WhiteWolfSonicPrincess (WWSP) show at the Red Line Tap almost a year ago.

I didn't remember it as a totally successful night. I think we were having problems hearing ourselves, but the video actually sounds pretty good. The Lovely Carla is on vocals, Sanjay on drums, Sara on bass, and jimmy jammer in the funny hat!

We were trying out a new song, (why not!?) and I think we did it justice. In the foreground is the incomparable Charles, our very own interpretive dancer. He puts on quite the show. Maybe my favorite part is the empty glass in the left hand corner, sitting there clear and empty waiting to be filled with... sonic something!