Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Both Feet In - Eyes Closed!

Yesterday was eventful. We moved out of the Peter Jones Gallery. It's been the home for our theater company for 9 years or so. Kind of traumatic. We loaded up a van two times. Stuff, lots of stuff.

Walls, paint, musical equipment, lights, props, theater seats, speakers, cables. The stuff that makes a show. I'm very sore with lots of little cuts and bruises this morning. When I jump into something it's with "both feet in - eyes closed." Makes my life interesting. And sort of painful sometimes.

So now all this stuff is sitting in storage. Hopefully temporary. We don't have a new place yet. But we're hoping. Which is not really a plan, but it's something.

I'm of the mind that a new era starts today. Which has been a theme lately. Lots of things ending, falling by the way side. And as that great gap-toothed coach used to say (Vince Lombardi) "When the going gets tough, the tough get going." Let's go!