Friday, June 26, 2009


If you were a fiction writer and you invented a character like Michael Jackson you'd be accused of concocting a totally implausible being.

The boy, the man, the life. Totally strange and implausible.

Off the top of my head I come up with details like: child star, gazillion-selling albums, pet monkey, barometric chamber, media circus, friendship with Liz Taylor, plastic surgery, Neverland, white glove, Macaulay Culkin, Thriller, dangling baby from a balcony, marriage to Lisa Marie Presley (!), long sordid L.A. trial, more media circus, god awful plastic surgery, Billie Jean, faux military costume with epaulets, mask, nose job, Disney Character, arrested development, arrested, money and riches and fame, bankruptcy, derision, dead at 50.

I'm sure there's more. I've kind of avoided the Pop Circus Feeding Frenzy. It's just another chapter in a very odd life. Did it really all happen?!