Saturday, June 27, 2009

Long and Short of It

I suppose there's something to be said for "longevity." Not a lot, but something. I mean, when you think: "long life", you think "OLD". But also, you think "lots of time to walk around on the planet."

At a certain age, just surviving becomes a positive thing, kind of like having wavy hair, or good digestion. Surprisingly, thoughts like "I out-lived the King of Pop," pop into your head. Weird. And then you start thinking about all the people famous and not who died at an earlier age than you. Strange.

And you know it's not really anything you have control over, it's basically pure dumb luck, possibly mixed in with a tendency to avoid high risk behaviors and "good genes." Then you think of Keith Richards and all theories go right down the freaking drain.

Wrong time, wrong place is about as close as you can get to answer. And then you think "this moment could be my last." And you don't want to scare yourself. You'd like a little more time to walk around on the planet. One step at a time!