Friday, April 10, 2009

Trickster is Alive and Well

Today some people are burning brain cells over some long ago Messianic Rabbi who kind of ventured off the ranch. It didn't work out so good for the poor guy, sometimes Love is a rebel yell.

Anyway my Mythological Heroes are Tricksters in every way. Not perfect. Supremely quirky. In my book quirky passes for holy.

The Native Americans have Coyote. The ancient Greeks had Hermes.

And we have Bob Dylan.

"It must be the Southern air. It’s filled with rambling ghosts and disturbed spirits. They’re all screaming and forlorning. It’s like they are caught in some weird web - some purgatory between heaven and hell and they can’t rest. They can’t live, and they can’t die. It’s like they were cut off in their prime, wanting to tell somebody something. It’s all over the place. There are war fields everywhere … a lot of times even in people’s backyards." - Bob Dylan

The Dude Abides and never ceases to surprise.