Saturday, April 11, 2009

Friday Hit Parade

1. It's probably not a good idea to start a conversation with your long-time girlfriend thusly: "I was at the coffee shop and that young Asian girl was on the other side of the counter, and she caught me accidentally looking at her ass and..."

2. Sometimes you are just one hot chocolate away from feeling good.

3. The Lovely Carla told me that "hairy" was in. Now if "grizzled, worn-out, beat and wizened" (think Walter Brennan) come back in, I'll be freaking hot!

4. It seems I'm always waiting for the next shoe to drop. It's like there's a bunch of shoes up there. Some filled with gold and daisies, some filled with daggers and stones. And they are just up there waiting to hit the pavement at an inopportune time. Of course, just the shoe-dropping itself could be dangerous. Still I spend much of my days thinking of/waiting for those damn shoes to drop. Gives a whole new meaning to the concept of "loafing!"

5. I posted some new jimmy m. the hermit music here. "When you're walking the dog, you're just walking the dog."