Friday, April 17, 2009

A More Clarified Existence

My fair weather friends won't understand since they get sunshine and blue sky and moderate temps all the time. Here in the city of Big Shoulders, the days of gorgeousness are few and far between. And when you get one of those days, it's usually already fading away, or you're deeply in the know that this is a gift that won't last, it can be taken away with one stiff breeze. The next one down the line will probably be soggy or cloudy or cold.

Yesterday was one of the gorgeous ones. And I was on a trek to the Heart. Off to play music with my brother in Wicker Park. Which is always a weird-ass kick. We fire up our amps and wail. Sometimes it's ecstasy and sometimes complete madness. Usually a little of both. I'd probably enjoy it all the more if I was on the juice, but I've opted for a more clarified existence. So that means everything comes sort of bifurcated.

Cognitive Dissonance should be tattooed on my freaking forehead.

So, I wore my dark shades, plugged in my iPod and rode the vibe of the day. Kind of like Williard on his way to his reckoning with Kurtz. The young ladies were out, showing off the latest fashions. Suddenly, everything seemed brighter and lighter. A spring day, and the green shoots of the future were poking from the mud.

And unaccountably a certain joy just seemed to completely envelope me. I was a letter of joy without a sender. It was a day of clues and no solutions.