Saturday, April 18, 2009

And that is the Dream

You come here, you can't explain it, one day, you find yourself ambling around the planet with no real clue about origins or destinations, you have no brief or mission book, and the maps and rule books people try to shove into your greedy mitts seem so lame or implausible, or just not appealing at all.

You'd prefer not to.

So on your good days you dream. You dream big dreams and you dream little dreams, and you dream about dreams and dreaming. You dream how you're gonna change the world. And you burn up a lot of time and energy making plans and hatching schemes and how you're gonna implement all these dreams and schemes, and how happy you're gonna be when A and B and C and D and E and F and G happens.

And maybe the dreamed up things happen and maybe they don't. And then you have learn how to be happy anyway, or maybe no that's not what happens, sometimes happiness comes down on you like rain, and it really doesn't matter what happens or what doesn't happen, sometimes you are happy and sometimes you are not happy and you can't really explain how or why it happens that way, it just does.

Just more mystery to add to your closet full of mysteries.

And then one day you notice that maybe you haven't really changed the world, it hasn't happened like that, no the world has changed you and maybe that was the dream that the world had, that it would be impervious to change but it could change the beings who lived in the world. And really the world isn't impervious to anything. The world changing you means the world changes too. It's some weird equation where everything adds up, even the things you can't sum. And you helped fulfill that particular dream and really that was what you meant anyway.

You dreamed of changing the world but what you meant was you wanted the world to change you and it was gonna happen anyway whether you wanted it to happen or not. And that is the dream and the dream was realized. It was always gonna be realized. You just didn't realize it. Until you did.