Monday, March 30, 2009

Unexpected Gift

It snowed here yesterday. It was kind of a confounding event. We were just getting used to the idea of Spring. But it's the heartland, and Mother Nature is a real joker.

We used the snow as an opportunity to do some filming on the beach. We are working towards a Black Forest Theater show in May. We have been filming scenes of color and beauty.

It's some kind of theme.

The Lovely Carla and the equally Lovely Sara put on some colorful dresses and I manned the camera. We were trying to capture something of the hushed exquisite grandeur of water, sky, sand, (and snow!) and the feminine form.

The beautiful images in my view-finder can't really be reduced to words.

So it turns out snow is just a prop, or part of our set design.

An unexpected gift.