Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Presenting Bill Graham

Thrasher on Neil Young News gives a nice capsule review of Robert Greenfield's book, "Bill Graham Presents..."

Do you want to meet one of the inventors of the rock and roll universe? Bill Graham, born Wolfgang Grajonca, had much of the 20th century etched into his bones.

He fled Europe, escaped the Holocaust (his mother was not so lucky), grew up in New York, worked as waiter in the Catskills, hitchhiked across the country, went to the Korean War, earned a Bronze Star, became an actor, (did a scene study class with Marilyn Monroe!), and opened the Fillmore West in San Francisco.

The Greenfield book is a great read. Graham is one of the most fascinating, original self-made American characters to emerge from the Sixties flowering. The book is made up of interviews, the audio-tape must have flowed like a river of beer, or ganja smoke.

Other voices that emerge and inspire: Pete Townsend, Carlos Santana, Jerry Garcia, Keith Richards. Graham was a famous screamer. He could use obscene language to superb effect. He ran a small family operation whether it was one of the Fillmores, Winterland, or a Rolling Stone world tour. An amazing dude. He did it all.

Talk about creative booking, a Graham show might be Lenny Bruce and Frank Zappa. Or Neil Young and Miles Davis. Or Buddy Rich and The Grateful Dead.

The book takes you from the 30's to the 90's. What a long, strange trip.

As I was reading this book I was so happy to have met Bill Graham. I wish my father would have had the chance to meet him too. By the way, there is a great site devoted to the music that Bill Graham promoted. Check out Wolfgang's Vault to stream an amazing collection of rock shows. Simply incredible stuff.