whitewolfsonicprincess' new single Revelation Blues

Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Obama Tsunami

I'm cautiously optimistic this morning. No scratch that, I'm wildly, over the top, out of my head optimistic. I'm figuring on a blow-out. A landslide. I'm expecting the pundits to be having conniption fits trying to explain how they missed it. I predict the Obama Tsunami.

Of course, I could be wrong. I keep going over to Nate Silver's site and salivate over his computer simulations. I have decided to believe that Nate has the hard numbers that validate my optimism. I guess we'll see.

I've voted in every Presidential election in which I was eligible to vote. My first vote was for Jimmy Carter vs. Gerald Ford. I've backed more losers than winners. Kind of like my record at Santa Anita. I certainly have voted more with my heart than my head. I figure, since I always have something to say, I better back it up by voting. Otherwise, I should just shut up. And that would be just too painful.

I do think Barack Obama is head and shoulders the best candidate I've ever had the opportunity to back. I do believe he is the right man for the time. He has the chance to be one of the greatest Presidents we've ever had.

Who knows?

Go vote, except if you're thinking of voting for the other guy, then I suggest you just sit this one out. Your country, no scratch that, the world will thank you. GO OBAMA!

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