Monday, August 18, 2008

What Happens Next

Is it just the fringy little circles we circulate in, or is it a larger fact that everything has evolved (or devolved) into one Grand Freak Show?

Is there something in the water, or the air? Has some renegade comet blasted us with an extra-terrestrial chemical concoction that has kind of re-arranged our cellular structure?

Yesterday, we (the Lovely Carla and I - it seems we are joined at the hip), pin-balled from one odd scene to another, sort of like getting stuck in a late sixties Godard movie.

And no one gave us a script. And it was all in another language.

At one point, in the subtly seductive madness, we turned to each other and just laughed.

Sometimes, I guess, it's best to just hold on tight and see what happens next.