Sunday, August 17, 2008

Tip of the Iceberg

Acting, I highly recommend it. The Lovely Carla and I having been rehearsing a little play-let that we will perform next week at the Abbie Fest.

There is something so liberating about sinking into another character, assuming another identity, learning lines we'd never normally speak.

It is like a great clearing.

I recently read an article about the brain, (my brain just can't get enough brain!) it seems our brains know much more than we do. Our conscious mind is just the tip of the iceberg.

Those "aha" moments that we experience are when the great cloud of unknowing in our grey matter (or actually the great cloud of knowing, just didn't tell us yet!) opens up a door and gives us a glimpse to something we didn't know we knew.

There is a lot we don't know we know. You know?

It's weird, seems we are not as smart as we think we are, and we're not as dumb as we act. And we have this great instrument in our skull plugged into a vast universe. What could we do with it if we put our minds to it?