Sunday, July 13, 2008

Hell Boy The Golden Army is the Shit

The Super Hero Scorecard:  

Spider Man (1,2,3) - don't think so.  
Batman -  lost interest long ago.  
Superman - those silly red shorts just don't cut it. 
The Hulk - boring!  
Fantastic Four - missed it!  
Iron Man - anything with Robert Downey Jr. can't be all bad.  

Hellboy - Hell Yes!  This is my guy.  The new one is pretty good.  He's big, he's red, he's confident, he wants to be loved.  Drinks Tecate.  Loves candy bars and TV.  Shaves his horns. He and his buddies are paranormals - beyond normal.  And that is something we can all relate to.  I don't know exactly why I love Hellboy, (maybe it's because he keeps a guitar next to his bed.) Anyway, I just do.