Friday, May 23, 2008

Why does Superman get up in the morning?

I just purchased my next Klosterman "Sex, Drugs and Cocoa Puffs," but I'm still digesting his Led Zeppelin inspired "IV."  According to the great Kloster Man the secret to success is not good looks, good luck, or smarts; no the key to success is having an ARCH ENEMY!  

Of course, he is absolutely right.  Think of any Superhero and the Arch Enemy looms like a shadow, the doppelganger - a dark presence who is always spurring the hero on to greater heights of Super-ness.  How many celebrities and Superstars are driven on by their unthinking tormentors from their high school days?

I think Chuck's right.  My own personal Arch Enemies (Sniveling Weasel and Big Chief Totem Pole), have spurred me on to great new successes. So I suppose a "thank you" is in order. But of course, the Arch Enemy is the last person in the world you would ever thank!  And as Dark Man likes to say - "So much to do, and so little time!"