Thursday, May 22, 2008

The All Zen Channel

The last two Wednesdays we went to a Buddhist temple and did the Zen thing.  A black cushion and a blank wall.  I'm not new to meditating, but I found the Zen way difficult at first.  My half lotus was more like a full pretzel, and usually I meditate eyes closed, but the Zen way requires eyes open, turned to the wall.  Reminded me of Catholic grade school, that's what happened when you were "too excitable."

Last night, it was all so much better.  I knew the drill, found that the "Burmese style" (kneeling with cushion support) more to my liking.  The two hours sort of flew by.  Finding the stillness, the emptiness, what a strange pursuit - it's contrary to everything else we know and do.  

Then it was back home to watch the second half of the Lakers/Spurs game.  If you just saw the result in the paper this morning, nothing special, Lakers won a close game.  But if you watched the drama unfold, it was mind-blowing - the Lakers were down 20 points in the third quarter, and then Kobe Bryant emerged.  

I'm thinking in the rush of the game, in those moments of pure concentrated action, Kobe is totally there in the moment, it is a pure Zen of the highest degree.  That's why it's fascinating to watch him play.  There's the blank wall, the black cushion, and then there's Kobe Bryant floating to the basket like some Zen butterfly.  Perfect.