Tuesday, April 29, 2008

The Wild Bunch Rides Again!

I always wanted to be a cowboy. My mom has a picture of me with cowboy hat, six gun, blowing candles out on my 6th birthday. It never really came about. I once went to a dude ranch, and I was the only kid who fell off his horse.

I never knew I wanted to be a Telepath. It's become my little band of brothers. It's kind of like being in the Wild Bunch (does that make me Ernest Borgnine!?). We are kind of a gnarly lot, and we like to make an unholy racket. Some bands like to sound good, we just like to SOUND!

Anyway, we had a rehearsal last night, which is never really a rehearsal, instead it's more of a sonic blood-letting. We like to play loud. Reminds me of Iggy Pop talking about when the Stooges went into the studio to cut their first album, they cranked their amps to the max and wailed. John Cale, who was producing at the time, thought they were totally nuts, that was not the way to record an album.

The Telepaths are in that mold. "Brutalist architecture." That's how Cory our bass player described our sound last night. We all took that as a compliment.