Monday, April 28, 2008

"That's my pig." - Roger Waters

Okay, this is hilarious. Roger Waters closed the Coachella festival in California last night. Giving a "greatest hits" Pink Floyd show without the Floyd. The other Pinksters can't stand to be on stage with the man. Here's the grand finale as described by the AP:

But Waters' biggest prop was an inflatable pig the size of a school bus that emerged while he played a version of "Pigs" from 1977's capitalism critique, "Animals."

The pig, which was led above the crowd from lines held on the ground, displayed the words "Don't be led to the slaughter" and a cartoon of Uncle Sam wielding two bloody cleavers. The other side read "Fear builds walls."

The underside of the pig simply read "Obama" with a checked ballot box alongside.

As Waters drew the song to a close, flame bursts exploded on the sides of the stage and the swine floated into the night sky. Waters said sadly and comically, "That's my pig."