Sunday, March 02, 2008

The Good Stuff

To stay alive, sane, happy, to enjoy this strange trip we are all embarked upon, one must acknowledge and celebrate the good stuff, no matter how small, no matter how insubstantial. To that end, I must remark upon the odd fact that my little theater company is in it's 14th year of existence. Sometimes it's just been a logo, a name, an idea, a wisp of a dream. Just like a real forest, Black Forest is not a money-making phenomenon, it's not essential to the life of the planet, it's more like a mirage, or a heat wave shimmering on the pavement in the blistering dead of summer.

It means a lot to me, and some of the people around me. And that's really enough, and a lot, and I'm glad it still has life. Today is a day of rest after a nice, life affirming opening weekend. We have found a great group of artists that are all committed to doing the work. That's the essence of the game right there. The game where there's no winning, no losing, just the doing, and the doing well, and really it's the doing that is the art, and it creates us, as we create it.