Monday, March 03, 2008

Building up a reality from very little information!

As you probably know, if you read this blog, I write plays, or, I don't know, maybe they're not really plays, I write stuff that my little group of co-conspirators takes in and then puts on stage. I write and then WE PLAY! So anyway, we played this weekend. And afterwards someone came up to me and asked "where do you get your ideas?"

This is a frequent question, and one I always find kind of baffling. I mean, the short answer is: these aren't really my ideas, these are things that are just floating all around us, I just sort of collect stuff, and I think somehow the things I collect are connected, and then I put them together, and then they form some kind of whole, and well, that's what I call a job well done.

I came across this quote from the filmmaker Michael Gondry, and this is how he defines his process: "I look at something and then I scroll through the shapes in my mind until I imagine what it could be. Your brain is very creative. It makes up all sorts of meanings and shapes. We build up our reality from very little information."

Now that seems like some kind of motto I've been living by: Building up a reality from very little information!