whitewolfsonicprincess' new single Revelation Blues

Monday, November 26, 2007

Texas Governor - Morons Only Need Apply...

I woke up hopping mad. I was dreaming of wrestling with my enemies. They are legion. And then, making the coffee, I hear a story on NPR about how Texas is in a state of denial about global warming. They quoted the Texas Govenor Rick Perry (this must not be a hard job - remember George Bush had it before this bozo), saying this in a speech in September 2007: "I don’t know about you, but I’ve heard Al Gore talk about man-made global ... his mouth is the leading source of all that supposedly deadly carbon dioxide. ..."

Seems most folks in the state just don't believe in global warming, or even if they do, they don't really care, hot damn, they are Texans, and if they want to waste energy they damn well will. If they want to drive their big, fat asses around in their big, fat cars - no goddamned Al Gore is gonna stop em.

I'm not kidding, that was basically the story. Now, I'm sure something good has come out of Texas, but with childhood memories of JFK's murder, LBJ's fuckups, and the dynastic Bush debacles of unfathomable proportions, I can't think of anything good at the moment. Oh yeah, okay, maybe Willie Nelson. The long-haired, pot-smoking, golden-voiced cowboy/troubador. Seems like cold comfort. Can't we do an intervention and get Willie out of there? Send him to Long Island or something? And then well, I mean, I don't want to condemn a whole state, I guess it's sort of juvenile thinking. Hmm, let's all get together in a circle and do a meditation. Let's try really hard and see if we can just sort levitate the state of Texas and send it out beyond our solar system. Maybe it'll do them good?

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