Saturday, September 15, 2007

Everything is Everything

Lately most of my creative energy has been channeled into music and the band I co-founded with the Lovely Carla, the band with the improbable, unwieldy name: White Wolf and Sonic Princess. Sometimes when our bass player and drummer join us we then become White Wolf/Sonic Princess and the Enthusiastikatz. Now that's a real mouthful! How about WWSP&E?! I can see the letters plastered on the sign outside Madison Square Garden. I still have no problem thinking big!

Anyway, for some odd reason I was thinking it was a cool name when I came up with it, and well, whether it's cool or not, we're now kind of stuck with it. And well, isn't that how life goes? Stuck with these eyes and this nose and well, why exactly was I born at this time and place? Is there a reason? So many questions, so little time.

So our band has a round of very cool shows coming up, at some really fine establishments such as the Elbo Room and Uncommon Ground in Chicago, and Mother Fools in Madison, Wisconsin. Some amazing bands have marched through the Elbo Room over the years and well, Uncommon Ground is famous for really propelling Jeff Buckley's short, brilliant career.

So we've been rehearsing intensely, as a duo and as a four-some, really trying to hone our stage act. It's an interesting process, an evolution, hard work, and fun as all get out. At the same time, we've been in a real creative, song-writing phase. I posted our latest effort here. It's a real collaborative effort called "Everything is Everything," which sort of encapsulates a philosophical, maybe metaphysical outlook on our mad, mad, world. Plus as they used to say, "it's got a good beat, and you can dance to it."

I think it's funny too. I encourage you to give it a listen. Check out all the crazy loops towards the end. It's just a little pop confection, but sometimes, just maybe, that's enough!