whitewolfsonicprincess' new single Revelation Blues

Thursday, August 30, 2007

Confederacy of Lunatics

Looking at the world, and seeing how America's use of military force is such a counterproductive and destructive tool, one figures that only a lunatic would be spoiling for the next war. Well, actually how about a contingent of influential lunatics? Names (where is the wall of infamy - these names should be scrawled in the blood that is forever on their hands) Bush, Cheney, Lieberman, McCain, Guliani...as well as a whole backup contingent of boot-lickers, hacks and lackeys.

What complete madness. Reminds one of this movie. How can we all sit back and watch this spectacle? What can we do? Where are the barricades? Should we all march to Washington D.C. and shut that city down? How long before they bring out the tanks and start shooting us down? Something is seriously wrong. Bush gets up like a little tinpot dictator and starts spewing invective at Iran, and well the audience gives him a round of applause. Shouldn't they have hooted him down? Laughed in his face? Tossed tomatoes? What fucking country is this?

Read this post from Glen Greenwald and shudder. We live in a rogue nation. One that can wreak great havoc. We are a supreme military power that needs an outlet. We gots lots of bombs, it's really the only thing still made in good ole USA, and well, don't we have to drop them on somebody? Didn't Randy Newman write a song about this strategy?

Hopefully this is all just liberal paranoia (it has gripped me real bad), but sometimes even a paranoid has real enemies...

UPDATE: And according to this post, the sales campaign for war with Iran will really ratchet up on September 11, 2007. They figure they only need about 30-40% support for their madness, and well there really are that many (at least) lunatics in this country. What a shameless, gutless bunch of assholes. Remember these war-mongers all avoided combat when they were of age. They want war, but of course the actual fighting and dying is always left to the "little people."

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