whitewolfsonicprincess' new single Revelation Blues

Sunday, June 17, 2007

Think of that Pampered Heiress as Veal!

Mr. Long Emergency has a post about Paris Hilton's prison doings, and he wonders if it's a turning of the tide against the rich. We are wallowing in a decadant glorification of citizens of no merit - the two, most prominent examples being Hilton and The Donald. In many ways we are such an infantile culture. I do think we are all crazed by our mad, consumerist religion, and to see total Air-Heads flaunting their accumulation of obscene amounts of wealth is some kind of perverse horrorshow. It's all about the bling, baby!

Now when you realize that we are on some kind of environmental bubble, when you realize that many citizens of the planet live on less than a dollar a day, and many are just struggling to for the basics (food, shelter, clothing) just to survive, you gotta marvel at the audacity of the wealthy's total lack of humility and discretion. We all live on this continuum, and just by being here, in good old USA, we are already members of an economic elite.

So, can we just use up all the planet's resources without regard for the long term? Can we continue to live in the bubble of unsustainability? Can we continue to use the Trumps and the Hiltons as our trophy gods of commerce?

If things turn, if the heartland gets restless, will we all start turning on each other? Will our politics and our social intercourse continue to get harder and meaner? Will we load up on barbecue sauce and start firing up the grill? Will we go hunting in the hills of Bel Air? Will cannibalism make a comeback? When the oil runs out, when the economy crumbles, when the seas rise and the food grows scarce, will we finally, inevitably EAT THE RICH?

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