Friday, May 11, 2007

Where I've Been

I got lost on the highway. I took a detour on a new little theater piece. In moments of free time, I've been writing a new scene. I forgot all about blogging. Two characters started talking. I just hung on for the ride. Not sure where this is going, but I have decided to ride the wave. It's something that has been percolating in the back of my mind. The clincher is when I actually had a dream where I saw this scene being performed onstage with some actors I've worked with in the past. Talk about a hint! My favorite little ancedote is when Jasper Johns had a dream about painting an American flag. He woke up and painted it. And well, the history of art changed forever...

So, who am I to stand in the way? We'll see if I can sustain the inspiration. I have been working on disparate pieces, and well, maybe this next theater piece will be all these little inspirations kind of bolted together...or maybe no bolts...or more like lightening bolts...a flash in the sky, and then another...and it a night!