Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Compassion is Not Just a Word

I'm still riding the Dali Lama Vibe...but there's nothing like getting out and about with your fellow beings to see how far many of us fall from the standard set by the latest manifestation of the Buddha of Compassion.

We live in a complicated world. Just take a ride on the Red Line on a typical evening. First get a whiff of the urine-stained platform at Howard Street. Then listen to your fellow passengers harangue each other, looking for advantage, trying to hustle each other out of a buck.

Then disembark at Wilson and inhale the spectacle of the teeming masses - needing, wanting, grasping. Listen to the taunts and insults, listen to the derisive laughter, the sarcastic quips, endure the cold stares.

Hey, it's just a typical night in the city. Now is when that un-biased compassion is required. It's easy to feel good about the Dali Lama, and maybe not so easy to feel so good about the guy next to you, reeking of alchohol and cackling like a madman.

The Buddha is there too, right? And if you hear others are talking you down, it's of no concern...it's just another reminder that the world needs more compassion not less...

No one said it would be easy, but hey, there it is...what would Dali do?