Thursday, March 29, 2007


The Lovely Carla is on a business trip to Michigan. I'm here alone with the birds. I've kind of entered a void, and as Woody Allen says, it's an empty void. I'm looking for ways to fill the void. I have a lot to say, or to blog, but it's almost like I have so much to say, I just can't get it out.

I'm waiting for an answer on a business proposal, and well, yes, the waiting is the hardest part. I'm in that drifting mode, not sure where I'm going, or what I'm doing. My band is kind of on hiatus, my theater project is still evolving, I'm working on some music, but home recording is kind of lonely proposition: sunny jimmy's lonely hearts club band.

I'm good at being alone, in fact, usually, even in a crowd, I feel alone. I think I'd make a helluva good hermit. So anyway, I had this strange (it seemed important, prophetic) dream last night, one of my spiritual mentors appeared and told me that "we work from magic." I recently heard the same thing from one of our good friends on the West Coast.

Now I'm not exactly sure what "magic" is, I mean, I'm pretty aligned with the Scientific method and all. I don't think we are the center of the universe, I do think we descended from apes, I don't think we fully understand our own minds. I do think the world is a mysterious place, and there is much that we don't know and maybe never will. And, well, as per John Sebastian of the Lovin Spoonful, I do believe in magic, even if I'm not sure what it is, and well I'm willing to accept and live with the mystery, eventhough, I'm looking to shine the light of clarity in all the dark corners of my life, and well, I figure that sometimes there are unknown, unforeseen forces that we have to reckon with and it's a good and a cool thing too.