Friday, March 30, 2007


Man does not live by bread alone, but hey it's a start. One of our young neighbors is training to be a bread maker, I mean, he is a bread maker, he's planning on going to France to train with the best. In the meantime, he bakes at home, and well, he's been cooking up loaves of bread for the Lovely Carla and I, as well as his own family. I mean, this is an amazing development. Victor Hugo wrote about a man who was hounded for stealing a loaf of bread, and well, we have a Bread Angel who brings us fresh baked loaves of bread once a week. Our bread-maker has also made some incredibly good pastries and croissants. We have been honored and grateful, and well, of course I dumped the raw food diet (freshly baked organic bread - it can't be beat!), in honor of this delightful development. Today, our Bread Angel (Daniel) delivered a fresh Kalamatia Olive Loaf. It's big, beautiful (you almost hate to cut into it), warm, just out of the oven. I thanked him and in return I gave him a CD of instrumental music tracks I composed and recorded - I figured he would not appreciate the product of my meager cooking skills (tofu dogs?!), so I thought I'd give him a little taste of my music. We made the exchange, he smiled, I smiled, and together we said, "A GIFT!"