Thursday, October 12, 2006

High on the Drift

Well that familiar feeling of being lost has descended upon me once again. It's a frequent occurance, this feeling really has been my best and most trusted companion since I was a small child. I've done so much drifting, it's actually evolved into my main modus's how I write plays, and compose music, and well, it's even how I approach my job...

I drift from one thing to the next, I go with what feels right, or I try to distance myself from what doesn't...I bounce along on the feeling, expecting that somehow that will lead me to some kind of dawning light.

I'm not so good with plans and maybe that has been to my detriment.

I'm not complaining, I'm just noting what's happening in the world of sunny. If someone asks me how I'm doing today? My reply would be: I'm adrift my friend...I'm high on the want a hit?