Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Hey a Music Store!

Check out my new music store! I joined this thing called SnoCap...it allows you to upload your songs, set a price, (they take $0.45 cents off the top) and then other people who join up can download the songs. It's .mp3 format...I've been working with Garageband since last December, the tracks listed are pretty much me on guitar, bass, drum machine, vocals too, with a few loops thrown in to make it interesting...anyway, I've decided to put it on my blog site, I think it kind of brightens up the place. You can listen to the first 20 secs. of each song for free by clicking on the play button. I'm wondering if anyone will actually go to the trouble of buying and downloading? Well, we'll see...it's a little experiment...the days of Top Forty radio are dead!