Monday, November 07, 2005

"Two Trains Running"

The Lovely Carla attended a Director's workshop this weekend. I originally thought it was a good idea for her to go, thinking there might be some new information, new inspiration, and if it turned out to be a total waste of time, she could split. Turns out, she got a lot out of it, meeting with other directors, hearing how others try to work within an ensemble, how they deal with organizational issues and work with actors (the Michael Chekhov technique). Every night, she came back and kind of shared the highlights with me. I kind of got a vicarious kick, from seeing the new fire in her eyes, hearing how she incorporated the new information, seeing a glimmer of how it will help us in our new performance adventures.

I spent most of the weekend, noodling on my new guitar (it's a custom-made John Suhr classic), working on a song which I'm thinking will be the "grand theme" of what I'm sort of hoping will be our new musical/performace piece. I've got much material to draw from, I realize now, that while I was searching for the next thing, it was materializing before me. This is how we work together, the Lovely Carla and I. We zing along on two totally unique tracks, and then kind of watch how they collide and then organically track together. It's an amazing process, and it humbles me every damn time it happens.