Sunday, November 06, 2005

After the Crash

I seem to have fallen into a pattern of behaviour. Once a week, I kind of hit an energy deficit, and crash. Yesterday was my crash day. The weather cooperated, it was kind of cold and dark, so I seemed in tune with the elements. I went for a run on the lakefront, came back, and kind of staggered through the motions of a day. I ended up on the couch, watched Notre Dame play football, listented to "Cream Live a Albert Hall." I took a long, hot soak in the tub, (think Edward G. Robinson in "Little Ceasar" minus the cigar) and read, "Hip: The History." I crashed out early, about 9:00 p.m. and slept like a little baby. I'm a new man this morning. Refreshed, re-charged, etc. Where does the energy come from, where does it go? I just don't know..."I'm your vehicle baby, I'll take you anywhere you want to go..."