Saturday, October 15, 2005

The Worm is Turning

Man, I think I've fallen into a "worm-hole." I finished reading some stray philosophical ramblings of Philip K. Dick, (Look out, I'm moving onto a biography about Aleister Crowley), and I'm in the speculative frame of mind, where everything is suspect. Here's Dick on reality: "reality is what's left over, after you stop believing in it." And what's left over when you stop believing in that? If you can't trust your eyes, your ears, your nose, your hands, your head, what's left?

Anyway, this actually kind of kicks the door open to new possiblities, and I'm all for new possibilities. What's that old saying? "There's nothing new under the sun." I don't believe it. I think we're locked in some grand cycle, we all play our little part, each part is actually essential. It's just that being human means we can't get our head around the thing. It's the context of no context conumdrum.

So, I'm skating along, wondering what the new day will bring, trying to make sense out of the incomprehensible, which is not to say it's all incomprehensible, we can comprehend some of it, we just don't know whether what we comprehend has any substance...maybe it's all just..."fairy dust," which isn't to imply that we're all fairies, but wouldn't that be a kick, something to rile up those wacked out "born againers?"