Saturday, September 17, 2005

"Killed by Death" - (seen on a t-shirt on Belmont Ave.)

We truly are children of the atomic bomb. This is a club that will have you as a member whether you want to be or not. I read a little blurb that mentioned that scientists are now able to determine the age of humans by the amount of Carbon 14 in their teeth. Anyone born after 1955, has elevated amounts of Carbon 14 embedded in their pearly whites. It turns out that above ground atomic testing in the 1950's and 1960's increased the amount of Carbon 14 in the air and the food chain. Maybe Howard Hughes paranoia about atomic testing in Nevada (in this case underground) may not have been so crazy after all. So everyone on the planet (no corner is exempted), is forever, irrevocably, changed. Kind of reminds me of Wittgenstein's comment that we are not so much evolving, as, "mutating." So yes, we are all connected. One man's (or multiple nation's), blind stupidity has consequences for us all. Our nuclear weapons haven't really done that much for us, except vaporized two cities in Japan and contaminated us all. I guess we can take some comfort to know, that when we do keel over, science can positively determine how many years we walked around on this little planet!

A word of consolation from P.K. Dick: "If you think this universe is bad, you should see some of the others!"