Friday, September 16, 2005

Johnny Pilgrim tells it like it is...

A reader of this blog, a friend, a comrade, a fellow-traveller, (we'll call him Johnny Pilgrim), responds to yesterday's blog entry, "Dick's Questions (Kurt Godel's too)."

Johnny writes:

"I prefer the shared hallucination. Of course environment and perspective clouds the deeper nature, we are all animals. Yes we are trapped in subjective jackets, but open your head, fred. The very definition of "seeker" requires the questions. Answers are overrated, computers give answers and look how overrated they are.
A seeker, a thinking person, wrestles with happiness like Gorgeous
George. Savor the true moments of happy reflection, hide when the dread comes. Joy and doubt are both legitimate states of mind. Joy is like the rain."

Love, Johnny