Saturday, August 20, 2005

The Lost "Normal"

There's no normal anymore. I've entered a new phase in my life; at least that's how if feels, where everything seems strange, out of kilter. I'm abnormally tired. The full moon looks abnormally big. The storms raging outside my door seem abnormally violent. Everyone I see, looks fragile, tentative, incomplete. Maybe it was always so, am I just more sensitive to it now? The last few days, I have been trying to "right myself," get back to some sense of normalcy, but I'm beginning to suspect it doesn't exist, it's just another dream or illusion that no longer works for me. Is life a process of discarding our dreams? Maybe our brains are these little "dream factories," that keep churning out new visions and storylines, which then come up against the "reality" of the world. Reality is our co-collaborator. It's the harsh, unbending, Assistant Director looking over our shoulder, telling us "the lighting isn't right, the sound is out of synch, and anyway, there's no film in the camera!"