Friday, August 19, 2005

A Gratuitous Use of a Question Mark

Up early today, I couldn't sleep. I'm typing on a new keyboard for my Mac, I could live without the letter, "p," but I wasn't gonna make it without a question mark (???).

This weekend is the "Abbie Hoffman Died for Your Sins Fest." This will be the fifth year for Black Forest. The Lovely Carla and I will be doing the "Dino and Sheila Show," excerpts from my play about a Dean Martin type of guy. It's a brutal "battle of the sexes." Should be entertaining.

I'm also writing a little preamble, which I'm planning on delivering prior to "Dino." It's an obscenity-laced diatribe against BushCo's war in Iraq. Ever since my father's death, I have found a new "fire in the belly." I'm determined to cut out the bullshit of my life. I want to live with honesty, candor and integrity. I want to say what I have to say in a clear and precise way. We'll see how well that goes over!?