Friday, July 01, 2005

"An Open Space." - Peter Brook

Last night, in a dark gallery space, five actors, stepping through familiar scenes; familiar words, gestures, movements. Sequences are broken down, examined. What's being conveyed, what makes a sequence "stronger," what seems to "work?" There is sweat, intense concentration, no complaints. A group of human beings intent on a vision, a vision coming alive step by step. It is a strange alchemy, the good work; something unique, special, not of this world. The reward is the doing. Each actor contributes, each recognizes the unique energy of the other. There is a shared experience, a shared vision, even if this vision can not be expressed. There is a sense of play, no one hesitates, no one says "no, I can't." Everything seems possible. The world seems like an open door, an open window, each of us passes through, making sure the next one comes along too.