Thursday, June 30, 2005

How Many Gods Can Dance on the Head of a Pin?

I scored a copy of Nick Tosches latest book, "King of the Jews," about Arnold Rothstein, who supposedly "fixed" the world series, and emerged in the 1920's as a gambler and fixer extraordinaire. Nick is a great writer, and he's on a roll: previous books have included his take on Jerry Lee Lewis, Dean Martin and Sonny Liston. This time, Nick is really pissed off, and it comes across in spades. Early in the book, he has decided to show how Monotheism ("there is one god, my god, and no one else's god is worth shit!") is an abomination that has led to the plague of Islam, and the plague of Christianity, and how stupidity, ignorance, and lies, have led to the clash of civilizations (Muslim, Christian, Jew) rocking our planet.

So far, there are many great lines in the book. Here are few I really enjoyed:

"All of Judeo-Christian theology can be set beneath kindling wood, save for these few words (from St. Augustine) - If you can comprehend it, it is not god."

"And that is the great lesson of Christianity. THEY LOVE YOU WHEN YOU'RE DEAD!"