Thursday, July 28, 2005

Lost in the Maze

I went into a jimmydumps hell-bound tailspin. Still reeling from an earlier contretempts. It's amazing what a few well-placed words can do, especially, if like me, you live with the "reality," the "magic," and "power," of words. What we say, creates its own reality, so we must be careful how we use the words we use. I'm also sort of dealing with a profound feeling of "helplessness," where I'd like to be able save those closest to me from suffering and pain, and the impossibility of doing any "saving,", comes back at me full force. It's realizing the limits of being human that sort of becomes oppressive. The worst of it, is the supposed "good intentions," that lead to "great misunderstandings," and there's no way to explain yourself out of the maze. So, there's silence...even that can be "misunderstood," but sometimes it's the only thing we have left.