Sunday, June 12, 2005

What You See is What You Get

Yesterday was a long rehearsal day, both for the play, and the band. All went well. We've had a few bumps in the road, (it's to be expected), but every session has been productive and instructive. What's amazing is this idea/process of looking intently at something (for instance a scene from the play) and seeing new connections and meanings with every run-through. Every move, every gesture can/will/does carry motive, intention; there is the actual and symbolic, they are intertwined, they can be perceived or not; by perceiving, everything is transformed, everything can/is invested with meaning. The observer, and the observed are in a collaboration - to make meaning of simple words and gestures...OR NOT. This does not need to be overly-intellectualized, in fact, it's not about the intellect at all; a man or woman onstage, reciting words, moving, gesturing, they carry enormous loads of information in their bodies, their voices, their words...the more you look, the more you see. We can be senstive and open to this reality, or we can choose "not to see" anything. I think it's actually a spiritual/energy kind of thing. I think this is how our lives work. We can see the world with open eyes, and by being open, by being willing to invest the world with meaning, the world responds to us with meaning. We can trust our vision, make connections, discover a world of wonder and mystery and beauty. Or not. We can use our heads and spirit and vision, OR NOT. It isn't up to the world, the play, or the thing we are experiencing, or "seeing," IT IS UP TO US.