Saturday, June 11, 2005

A Meal, More than A Meal

What do you get when you mix organic Rain Forest Blend, with organic Wild Blend? An excellent pot of coffee (Organic Wild Rainforest Blend!). Finally got a good night's rest. The Lovely Carla and I finished up Friday evening with a wonderful meal at Rick's Cafe on Sheridan. It's run by a French (I think he's French Morrocan) couple, the sweetest, kindest folks you could ever meet (they are down to earth and regal at the same time), he's a marvelous chef (I had the salmon and wild mushroom soup, the Lovely C. had a salad and the spinach and artichoke ravioli) and she's a dark-haired, mysterious, French beauty. There's something about the place, the food and service (it's a two person show) are great, but it's also the ambiance, the energy of the place; simple, almost mediterranien (think Morrocco) decor, the pictures of Bogey and "the black bird," (the dingus) on the walls. You expect to see Peter Lorre and Sidney Greenstreet sharing a table in a corner. It's one of the few places where after the meal, after we've paid the bill, and we're walking out of the place, the Lovely C. and I each give our hostess a warm embrace (strange soul mates from totally different worlds making some kind of deep and life-affirming connection). Somehow it's acknowledged that we are a "unique couple," special people ("you're not from around here, are you?") or (as our hostess simply expressed it: "some people don't use their heads,") and so are they. It's about the light, the flame, you can see it in the eyes. Is the flame turned up, does it burn brightly. Can you see beyond your senses five? "Energy is eternal Delight!" Wm. Blake and yes, of course, it's about "the stuff that dreams are made of." S. Spade.