Thursday, June 09, 2005

"I Dig Love. I Love Dig." G. Harrison

I'm trying to do everything I have to do, and do it well. I'm living in "accelerating" time, or at least, that's how it feels, I'm rushing through the paces, from one appointed round to another. There's a certain kick in just trying to keep up with myself, just the forward motion seems to give me a mission, a purpose. I'm happy just to be standing.

We have built a world of stuff. Buildings, streets, cars, cell phones, trains, planes, computers; all our dazzling gadgets, all our pretty toys. We fill up our lives with material and we hypnotize ourselves to believe that this is a material world. We think our "stuff" will save us. We run our lives like a business - there's debits and credits, balance sheets, the law of diminishing returns!

But there's no denying that we are mystical creatures, we are strange beings, made up of contradiction, our very existence is essentially unexplainable, baffling; the end of existence is impossible, enigmatic. We don't know where we came from, we don't know where we are going. We are the light between two darknesses. There is no gloom in the mystery. Our hope, joy, purpose, and meaning transcends the material. We are spiritual beings, on a spirtual journey. This opens the door to the FunHouse. Let's party! Let's rock on! Long Live Rock!