Wednesday, June 08, 2005

The Flip-Side of a Dream

Hell, I guess everything is an experience, even being in hell is an experience; once there, can you find something to divert you? This was my mission yesterday at McCormick Place, I participated in one of those little sham worlds we have constructed, a (horror of horrors) Trade Show. This one called Sensor Expo (oh yes, I'll be there again today). We live in a world of our senses five, we have built these machines and technologies that "sense" and record "phenomena," and turn it into digital information. It's a strange world indeed. Just what we need: more information!

So, it's a test, of stamina, of character, of...damn, what kind of test is this thing? I kept my head, my cool, I looked for the humour, and in fact, it was everywhere, the whole thing was kind of funny. After the show, I found myself walking the lakefront (there's Adler Planetarium, there's Shedd Aquarium) with a woman who could NOT STOP TALKING. She was the "booth babe," hired to lure poor saps into our booth (everyone has a booth). She was a nice woman with the right configuration (long-legged blond) who makes her living (I guess it pays pretty good) going from show to show, serving as the "eye candy." What a strange existence!

So, just another experience, something else I've been through, something I survived. What did I learn from this little test? Trade shows are the land of the living dead, yes, but I can make it through, this too shall pass...hell is a place, a time, it's a mirage, a bad dream, it won't last, it doesn't really exist.