Saturday, June 18, 2005


Finally it's all in the hands of the gods and goddesses...The old Greeks used to say that a man's character, was his fate... I guess, what we call "fate," is what happens, and how we deal with what happens. So, this is the summer of the "Great Cloud of Unknowing." Our little theater group is edging out into uncharted waters. First, tonight, we are having a "benefit," to help get us to Edinburgh, Scotland. It's got all the elements for a great night, but the big question mark, will anyone show up? Who knows? We roll the dice and see what happens!

Then there's the whole Edinburgh adventure itself. In August, we are bringing our unique brand of theater to an international audience. This is a leap into the void. It's a little strange, not knowing what looms in our path, but isn't that the "truth," on any given day? Anything can happen. My attitude is: "damn the torpedoes." There's a kick to getting out of our little comfort zone. The risk is disappointment, disillusion, what? Really, what is the risk? We have an experience, we discover something about the world and ourselves. Isn't that the game we are in from the get-go?