Sunday, June 19, 2005

Edinburgh Beckons...

All of my wounds have been self-inflicted... It would of been better if we could have just sacrificed a goat, although, not so great for the goat. I ended up burning up some brain cells for the cause last night. Our little benefit for Black Forest went off without a hitch. It seemed a good time was had by all. The cast and crew was phenomenal. It's amazing what a small group of dedicated people can do. And surprisingly, yes, we did have a nice, supportive crowd. We made a good sum of cash for our Edinburgh trip. Another step on this crooked path. I'm paying the price for "too much fun," this morning. My head is fuzzy, my body aches, there's an emptiness that haunts me, but hell, I didn't get to sleep until about 4:00 a.m. so, I guess it's to be expected. Now the work on the play really begins, we have less than a month to totally restage and refine the show for the Fringe Fest. There's no turning back...