Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Microscopic Moments

Often, I find myself in anticipation of a some earth-shattering, cataclysmic event that will transform my existence - The Big Deal, The Bolt of Enlightenment, The Pulitzer Prize, etc.

Often, I find myself experiencing, tiny, microscopic moments that somehow accumulate over time and then, mysteriously, subtly, everything kind of shifts: new perspectives, new ideas, new circumstances, etc.

This is how a life goes...

I rely on a simple, straight-forward practice: A long run on the lakefront, a deep meditation, a good meal, a conversation with a friend, a finely-honed curiosity to discover something new, something unexpected.

I find it's not what I 'believe,' that's important, but what I 'do.' Stay awake, be aware, listen to the universe as it expands into the void.